Sunday 16 September 2012



ie in this example verbal interview in words

"say Brian" what is your poetry creed?" POETRY IS AN ORAL ART AT ITS BEST WHEN RECITED it then becomes a two-way unique one-off.experience . ok the detail- "So is traditional line capitalisation ok with you?" In RHYME ..YES.. but NOT otherwise as it creates a natural pause (ie it stilts) & thus disrupts the flow "presumably thats why wrap-around lines are also a no-no for you? " YES but mainly they are not visually conducive to read digitally or otherwise! "Ok,I see that but what have you got against those five forms and the like,you know acrostic, kyrielle terzanelle villanelle &pantoum etc? " NOT against them per se they can be good for a learning exercise, a bit like scales are important when learning the piano but are too contrived & mechanical IMHO for our art form "Yet you like shape,emagi & ekphrasis verse! " Indeed,they reveal my weakness for art in poetry! "So why do you appear to dislike prose poetry!" I don't dislike them as such, the two arts just don't mix for my taste. "Are there particular forms that appeal?" Rhyme,alliteration,clerihew,footle&hiku*(both in the singular especially) will always ring my bell. & of course poetry in the OPEN VERSE style which is what Brian? OPEN VERSE uses spaces&breaks without grammatical symbols relies upon 'the one breath limitation' this intuitive cadence pemits the 'reader' (reciter) to respond in an interpretative - interplay unique to the ' happening

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